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Steps to civilization

Published on Dec 06, 2015

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Steps to civilization

Created by the great Arjan

Hunting and Gathering

  • In early times, people could not be certain of getting dinner if they stayed in one place. People had to be resourceful and creative to get enough food.
Photo by jurvetson

Hunting and Gathering

  • Hunting was a way of life for most early humans, starting with Homo erectus.
  • Cro-Magnon people would follow great herds of animals that once travelled across Europe. Some lived in caves; others lived in tents made out of the skins of the animals they caught.
Photo by Rob Valkass

Hunting and Gathering

  • Nomadic = this word describes people that have no permanent home; they travel from place to place.
Photo by Caneles


  • Control of fire meant that humans could cook food as well as stay warm. Homo erectus likely had control over fire.
Photo by jadwinia

Farming:A giant step

  • When humans started to farm, they grew plants instead of foraging for them. They raised animals for food instead of hunting them.
  • When people started to farm, they started to take control of their environments.
  • A dependable source of food meant that people were no longer nomadic- they could settle in one place.
Photo by swisscan

how did farming get started?

  • Spilled-grain hypothesis: Neolithic women noticed that new grain plants grew when they accidentally spilled grain seeds. They tried scattering seeds on purpose and it worked!
Photo by Monica's Dad

How did farming get started?

  • Moov’en-and-Groov’en Hypothesis: One season, nomads decided to stay at a site. They harvested a crop, and then saw it grow to harvest again. These groups learned how to grow a crop from seed to harvest and then move on.


  • The development of farming brings people together in communities.
  • When the farmlands produced more food than the farmers needed, some people stopped farming.
  • These people developed other skills and moved closer together, forming villages.
  • Sometimes these villages grew into towns, and then cities.
Photo by <F.J>

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Photo by julianrod