Sticky Learning

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Sticky Learning

Photo by DrWurm

Where in the world are you?

Photo by vl8189

1. Discuss why illusions of knowing mislead our learning.

2. Identify several EBE strategies that your education should embrace for greater attendee ROI.

3. Define & explain why elaboration is critical to make new learning stronger & more memorable.

Which one interests you most and why?

Photo by a2gemma

Untitled Slide

Photo by 13desetembro

Untitled Slide

Photo by Leo Reynolds

If it weren't for attendees, we'd be out of jobs.

Attendees are our raison d'être

Photo by BuzzFarmers

The reason we offer education, conferences

Photo by BuzzFarmers

Our Attendees are Our

  • Key stakeholders
  • Customers
  • Strongest critics
  • Ardent supporters
  • Learners

Our attendees are changing & evolving.

Photo by duncan

Important to remember:

  • What this session offers will never be adequately understood or even visible until you step out and practice them.
Photo by Wade Morgen

Important to remember:

  • We need to be open and embrace Learning, Unlearning & Relearning.
Photo by Wade Morgen

How do you prefer to learn?

Photo by a2gemma

Shooting An Azimuth

second Lieutenant Kiley Hunkley, 2013 West Point Graduate, Rhodes Scholar Winner
Photo by jronaldlee

Shooting An Azimuth

  • Navigation term
  • Sighting an object on horizon in direction you're traveling
Photo by mikou07kougou

Climb a height & sight an object on horizon in direction of travel

Then adjust your compass heading to safeguard that you are still gaining on your objective while you tread through the forest below.

Photo by Verino77

Learning illusions are potent persuaders.

Going about learning in the wrong ways.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

We are misguiding our attendees & giving them poor advice.

Too much of what we think we know about learning is taken on faith and intuition but does not hold up under empirical research.

Photo by jannekestaaks

Persistent illusions of knowing lead us to labor at unproductive strategies.

Photo by khrawlings

How do you know if you've learned something?

Photo by a2gemma

Why don't we implement these strategies of telling another, teaching another, or explaining it in my own words at our education efforts?

Photo by a2gemma

How do you quantify the value of your education programming?

Photo by a2gemma

Most of us would agree that that we don’t deliver nearly as much value as we thought when it comes to our education offerings.

Many of us believe that all education has some inherent & intrinsic value.

Photo by tybeeney

In an increasingly competitive, global and knowledge-based biz climate

Learning effectiveness has become more important.

Photo by martapiqs

Learning effectiveness is the source of competitive advantage.

Your education should yield a greater return on investment for attendees.

Photo by photosteve101

When does education create a real value for attendees?

Photo by a2gemma

Education produces real business value only when it's applied to the work of individual & organization.

Photo by Greg Marshall

Most education is learning scrap.

Photo by twicepix

Learning Scrap

  • Wasted efforts
  • Wasted time
  • Wasted opportunity
  • Is expensive
Photo by twicepix

Learning Scrap

  • Information delivered but is never mentally processed, connected to past knowledge and experiences, understood or applied
Photo by twicepix

Adversely impacts attendees' & their company's competitiveness.

Photo by Mdarkbyte

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Learning Scrap

  • Typical Conference 45%-53% education
Photo by jenny downing

Education Spend Per Employee

  • Average spend from 27,000 companies per employee on education $1,195 - CEB Metrics 2014
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Conference Learning Scrap waste

  • 45% X $1,195 X 5,000 Attendees = $2.7 million dollars wasted
  • CEB Metrics 2014
Photo by kenteegardin

Value Of Performance Improvement

  • 6% X $60,000 (avg salary) X 5,000 Attendees = $18 million dollars
  • CEB Metrics 2014
Photo by kenteegardin

Value Of Performance Improvement

  • Increase of $30 million if tweaks made to education that increases performance improvement
  • CEB Metrics 2014
Photo by kenteegardin

Learning Means

  • Acquiring knowledge & skills
Photo by velkr0

Learning Means

  • Acquiring knowledge & skills
  • Having them readily available from memory
Photo by velkr0

Learning Means

  • Making sense of content
  • Connecting to previous content & experience
Photo by velkr0

Learning Means

  • Using that knowledge and skill for problem solving and opportunities
Photo by velkr0

Where we Probably agree

  • Learning requires memory. It has to be there later to use it.
Photo by Vandy CFT

Where we Probably agree

  • We can't stop learning and remembering. We have to do it for the rest of our lives.

Where we Probably agree

  • Learning is an acquired skill.
Photo by dadblunders

Where we Probably Disagree

  • The most effective learning strategies are counterintuitive.
Photo by VOiDTEK

If learning strategies are counterintuitive and most of what we know about learning is wrong, how does this impact our education offerings?

Photo by a2gemma

Common sense practice: Attending education & listening to a speaker automatically produces learning.

Photo by Peter Ras

Common sense practice: Attending lectures means learning is easy.

Photo by Peter Ras

What do you need to build a house?

Photo by a2gemma

Building a house requires knowledge of countless materials.

Photo by tim caynes

Building a house requires conceptual understanding of other aspects like load-bearing properties, ground types, energy transfer, etc.

Photo by tim caynes

Building a house requires big picture understanding of how it all fits together and the purpose it serves.

Photo by tim caynes

Authentic learning requires knowledge, conceptual understanding of application and understanding of big purpose.

Photo by Debarshi Ray

Mastering the lecture or text is not the same thing as mastering the ideas behind them.

Photo by Andrew Scott

Don't be fooled!

Photo by Will Montague

Just because you can repeat a speaker's phrase or read your notes,

Is no indication that you understand the principals discussed, how to apply them or how they relate to what you already know and do.

Photo by djwudi

Illusion of mastery

You have just embraced the
Photo by Autumn Welles

Evidence Based Education Strategy

  • Learning is deeper & more durable when it is effortful.
Photo by Jonah G.S.

Evidence Based Education Strategy

  • Trying to solve the problem before being taught the solution leads to better learning even when errors are made in attempts.

Learning that is easy is like writing in the sand, here today, gone tomorrow.

Photo by Great Beyond

60 tips in 60 seconds.
Collecting all PPTs.
Crib notes and tip sheets.

Photo by Great Beyond

EBE Strategies

three critical
Photo by Leo Reynolds

1. Relaxed Alertness

Photo by twicepix

Relaxed Alertness

  • Social environment that elicits interests, purpose and meanings.
Photo by twicepix

Relaxed Alertness

  • Highly affected by our fear and pleasure centers.
Photo by twicepix

Attendee feels confident, interested and intrinsically motivated.

Photo by B Tal

1. Relaxed Alertness

Photo by twicepix

2. Orchestrated Immersion in

Complex Experience

Orchestrated Immersion

  • Content, standards, subject matter must be integrated within events & experiences that engage emotion, thinking & imagination.

Orchestrated Immersion

  • More importantly, must have personal meaning for attendee learning.

Term orchestrated means the presenter provides experiences that the participants interact with in concrete and physical ways.

Photo by garryknight

Orchestrated Immersion

  • Identify attributes
  • Generate descriptions
  • Diagram how
  • Draft a model
Photo by garryknight

Ultimately, the attendee must own the learning by asking the attendee to do something with the content before leaving the session.

Photo by @Doug88888

3. Active Processing

Photo by amira_a

Active Processing

  • Participant must be immersed in rich, complex, dynamic experiences. Not passive listening.
Photo by amira_a

Active Processing

  • Presenter must guide attendees to analyze, demonstrate, display, discuss, summarize, reflect on and present their thoughts for feedback.
Photo by amira_a

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Which of these three--
relaxed alertness,
orchestrated immersion,
active processing
--do you need to work on
more for your education offerings?

Photo by a2gemma

What is elaboration?

Photo by a2gemma

If presenters just engage their attendees in listening or repetition, the audience quickly hits a limit of what they can keep in their mind.

Photo by *katz

They reach cognitive overload fast.

Photo by mikepetrucci

If you engage each participant in elaboration, there’s no known limit to how much material they can learn. Peter Brown

Photo by estherase

Elaboration is the process of giving new material meaning by expressing in your words and connecting it with what you already know. Peter Brown

Photo by matusfi

When a participant can explain how the new material relates to their knowledge

Photo by tim caynes

The stronger the grasp of content & the more mental connections that can be remembered later.

Photo by Ian Sane

Putting the new info into larger context helps attendee learn & retain it.

3 Big Takeaways

Photo by Leo Reynolds

1. Helping audiences learn how to learn is huge advantage.

Photo by laurabillings

1. When learning is harder, it's stronger and lasts longer.

Photo by mariskar

2. Orchestrating education experiences is a must.

Learning is stronger when it matters; when the abstract is made concrete and personal.

3. Education needs to offer more opportunities for peer elaboration & less lecture.

Photo by tim caynes

Talking out loud, explaining what this means to me, describing how to apply it, is huge to hook the content & make it sticky so it can be remembered.

Photo by d_t_vos

Jeff Hurt

Haiku Deck Pro User