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Destiny & Jazzlyn
Photo by Stéfan


  • Stimulants are drugs that increase activity in the brain
  • Stimulants Cause Brain Chemical Imbalances
  • Stimulants cause psychotic behaviors
  • Stimulants can lead to heart & respiratory problems
  • Cause you to be more alert
  • Can be swallowed, injected in liquid form, or crushed & snorted

street names

  • coke
  • snow
  • flake
  • candy
  • hearts
  • uppers
  • pickups
  • bennies
  • meth
Photo by Adam Swank

Short term effects

  • Depression
  • Exhausting
  • Apathy
  • Lasting exhaustion that leads the stimulant user to want the drug again. Soon he/she isnt trying to get "high" , theyre trying to get "well" to feel energized.
Photo by Ryan_M651

long term effects

  • Addiction
  • Paranoia
  • Extreme weight change
  • Result in dangerously high blood temperature & irregular heartbeat


  • 1.5 million people used cocaine (including crack).
  • People aged 18 to 25 were more than twice as likely to use cocaine compared with other adults.
  • Men (0.8%) were twice as likely to use cocaine compared with women (0.4%).
Photo by Marco Gomes

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