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Stories Of Creation

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Stories Of Creation

Will Taylor

Islam Background

  • God (Allah) is all powerful 
  • Founded by Muhammad
  • Holy book called Qur'an
  • Followers are called Muslims

Christianity Background

  • Believe God is all powerful
  • Founded by Jesus Christ
  • Holy book is the Bible
  • Most popular religion

Islam Beliefs

  • Live a life for God
  • Follow the five pillars of Islam
  • Prayer, faith, and almsgiving
  • Fasting during Ramadan
  • Pilgrimage to Mecca 
Photo by mail.matt

Christianity Beliefs

  • God created the world and the universe
  • Jesus Christ died for our sins
  • His death allowed for eternal life
  • Believe in a trinity
  • The father, the son, and the holy spirit

Islam Creation Story

  • God created everything 
  • Created Adam and Eve
  • Adam and Eve removed from paradise
  • Forced to live on Earth
  • God is merciful

Christianity Creation Story

  • God created the world in 7 days
  • Created Adam and Eve
  • Adam and Eve tricked by a snake
  • Adam and Eve kicked out
  • They must work hard and sweat

Purposes of Text

  • Purpose is to explain
  • Tell the people how things started
  • Islam: shows that God is merciful
  • Christianity: shows that God can be spiteful
  • Teaches to listen to God and what he says
Photo by AdamSelwood

Writing Style

  • Told in format of a story
  • Bible has verses and different books
  • Story found in Genesis 1 and 2
  • Qur'an split into suras, chapters, and verses