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Greek - The stork was the exact opposite. It represented stealing a baby. In one story, a queen got turned into a stork by Hera and she got so mad, she tried to abduct her own child but always got chased away.

Norse - The stork represented a long life commitment to family values.

Egyptian - The stork is like the unique personality of each human being. The stork represented the soul of the person and the rest was a stork with a human head.

Europe - the myth of the stork is that they would find babies in caves and deliver the babies to homes or to their mothers.
They also nested on people homes and they would supposedly bring fertility to the home. Houses would notify the storks by placing sweets on the window sill.
Storks were also believed to be connected to handicapped babies. They supposedly dropped them while delivering them or got revenge for the wrong doing of the parents.

In Slavic - mythology storks word bring unborn souls to earth from iriy during the spring and summer.

African American - slaves children were told that white babies were brought by storks and that black babies were hatched in buzzard eggs