Mental toughness comes from agility of thought
Brain imagery and solid research show that optimal problem solving occurs when the thinker is nimble-minded. He can cruise between abstract and concrete, detail and big picture, controlled and automatic thinking. She can zoom in and zoom out, keep feelings and thoughts connected and disconnected when needed, and regulate attention and distraction: Olympic quality thinking, and not impossible to acquire.
Mental agility relates closely to physical agility, the phrase generating a sense of quickness and flexibility in activity, combined with balance, coordination, and stamina. Not a characteristic of the person who says, “No, this is the way we’ve always done it,” but a description of the employee who says, “But let’s see what happens if we try X+Y-K!” Either could have a good solution in mind, but the person who tries X+Y-K will have gained more information, experience, and mental agility for future problem-solving on any topic, even if the solution is not the best at the moment.
– Judith C. Tingley Ph.D.