Kids who say their parents are always stressed are more likely to report having a great deal of stress themselves.
Kids say they feel frustrated when their parents are stressed.
Kids report that they turn to sedentary behaviors to make themselves feel better when they are really worried or stressed (watching TV or playing video games).
Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose to the present moment, nonjudgmentally & without striving to to think/feel differently about what is happening.
With mindfulness, parents can learn self-management (responding rather than reacting to child's behavior) and kids can learn better emotional control and resilience.
List simple things that make you happy and do them!
For example: watch the sunset, read to your kids, work in the garden, talk with good friends, go on a date, take a walk around the block, color, draw, listen to music, play
Think back to that stressful situation you identified at the beginning of our time together. Which of these tools will work for you. How will you put this into practice?