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String Theory

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by Paul Anglada


Boson: A particle that transmits a force

Fermion: A particle that makes up matter

Photo by TonZ

Supersymmetry: States that for every boson there is a corresponding fermion. Although no scientist has been able to identify these extra particles in experiments.

M-Theory: There are multiple theories all with slight similarities and differences and the M-Theory try's to unite all of these theories into one that everyone can agree on.

The String Theory: Try's to make since of gravity and other forces. It suggests that every particle is connected by a one dimensional string or a ring in which vibrations can travel one way.

Photo by davedehetre

The average size of a string would be somewhere near the length scale of quantum gravity called the Planck Length which is about 10 to the -33rd of a centimeter or a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a centimeter. Needless to say strings are impossible to see using current technology so scientists had to develop more unconventional ways to test this theory which led to the invention of the particle accelerator.

Photo by M. Grunwald

The best modern technology used to study and test these theories are machines called particle accelerators. They work by using electrical fields to speed up and increase the energy of a beam of particles, which are steered and focused with magnetic fields. The particle source provides the particles, such as protons or electrons, that are to be accelerated.

String Theory explains how color is created, stating that color is determined by the interaction with the strings and particles.

Photo by Stéfan

Quantum gravity is a theory that attempts to combine Quantum Theory with General Relativity. They don't currently have a theory for Quantum Gravity mainly due to the extreme difficulty in studying matter at such small scales without being able to visually see the atoms. If a theory arises and is proven right that could contradict Einstein's theory of gravity and prove him wrong.

Photo by gp sachs

The M-Theory try's to unify the main theories of String Theory into one. For the M-theory to work, scientists had to realize that their is 11 spacial dimensions on a quantum scale which compacted down to make the 3 dimensional space that we live in.

Photo by i k o

Without the String Theory the multiverse and all existence simply wouldn't exist. Without a law that connects and holds together all matter and forces in the universe, it would not be able to form. The importance and significant advancements that this theory can implement is huge. Through the study of this theory, scientists are close to uncovering a Theory Of Everything which would explain how all matter and forces in the universe are connected and work and how our very universe is able to stably hold together when it should fall apart with ease.

Photo by fractalSpawn