Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves (TLC, 2017)

Published on May 24, 2017

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Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves

Presented by Diane Sweeney
Photo by ML_Duong

Where I Started as a Coach

  • Harrington Elementary (Denver, CO)
  • 470 students
  • Grades PK-5
  • 98.9% Free and Reduced Lunch
  • 62% English Language Learners
Photo by kate.gardiner

My Earliest Coaching Moves

  • Share resources
  • Model lessons
  • Convince others to teach like me
Photo by Kathy Cassidy

How do you think that went?

Photo by thisisbossi

Dear Diane...

What I learned...

  • It's not a good idea to 'fix' people
  • We have to build on strengths, not deficits
  • Standards are our driver
Photo by cogdogblog

Coaching can be...

  • Relationship-driven
  • Teacher-centered
  • Student-centered

Student-Centered Coaching: The coach partners with teachers to design learning that is based on a goal for student learning.

Photo by Julie Lindsay

Effect Sizes from John Hattie

  • Teacher clarity d= 0.75
  • Collective efficacy d=1.57
  • Formative evaluation d=0.90
  • Feedback d=1.13
  • Instructional quality d=1.00

Student-Centered Coaching applies to:

  • K-12 schools
  • All subjects
  • Learning support
  • English language learners
Photo by mripp

Student-Centered Coaching Cycles

Coaching Cycles are...

  • Approximately 4-6 weeks in duration
  • A minimum of one weekly co-planning session
  • One to three co-teaching sessions each week
  • Can be with individuals, pairs, or small groups

The Flow of a Coaching Cycle

Photo by mrnilspeters

#1: Set a Standards-Based Goal

Photo by eVo photo

Coaching Cycle Goals are...

  • Aligned to the standards
  • Clear, focused, and measurable
  • Motivating to the teacher and students
Photo by [ henning ]

#2: Unpack the Goal into Learning Targets

Photo by cliff1066™

Learning Targets

  • Are used throughout the coaching cycle
  • Provide a clear success criteria
  • Are student-friendly
  • Are rigorous and academically focused
Photo by B Tal

#3: Pre Assess Student Learning

Photo by kyteacher

Pre-Assessments are...

  • Formative in nature
  • Open-ended
  • Make learning visible
  • Scored holistically against the learning targets
  • Don't feel like a test
  • Sorted based on proficiency

#4: Co-Plan Using Student Evidence

Student Evidence is...

  • About continuous formative assessment
  • Anecdotal and descriptive
  • Referred to before making instructional decisions

Examples of Student Evidence

  • Anecdotal/conference notes
  • Entrance/exit slips
  • Complex math problems
  • Writing samples
  • Reading responses

#5: Co-Teach

Photo by COD Newsroom

Co-Teaching Moves

  • Noticing and Naming
  • Thinking Aloud
  • Teaching in Tandem
  • You Pick Four
  • Micro Modeling
Photo by cogdogblog

#6: Post Assess to Show Growth by the Students and Teacher

Photo by tiffa130

We Want to Know...

  • What the students learned
  • What the teacher learned
  • What instructional practices are now sustainable

For More Information