Student-Centered Coaching
We close the gap between what the students know and what they need to know.
The Big Idea
- Coaching is not about 'fixing people'
- Coaching is a partnership
- Coaching is about student learning
Organize Using Coaching Cycles
Coaching Cycles
- 4-6 weeks in duration
- Minimum of 1 co-planning per week
- 1-3 times per week for coaching in the classroom
- Can be with individuals, pairs, or groups
Set Goals for Coaching Cycles
Goals for Coaching Cycles are...
- Standards-based
- Not too broad or narrow
- Something that the teacher cares about and that will benefit the students
Goals for Coaching Cycles are...
- Standards-based
- Not too broad or narrow
- Something that the teacher cares about and that will benefit the students
Language for Goal-Setting
- What do you hope the students will learn as a result of our partnership?
- Let's look at the might they help us choose a focus?
- What is your next unit of study? Can we focus there?
Use Standards-Based Learning Targets
Learning Targets are...
- The broader goal unpacked
- A criteria for assessment
- A tool for students to self-assess
- Rigorous and academically focused
Use Student Evidence to Co-Plan Instruction
Student Evidence includes:
- Written and/or oral responses
- Anecdotal or conference notes
- Student writing
- Entrance and exit slips
- Problem solving tasks in math
- Reader's or writer's notebooks
Co-Teach with a Focus on Effective Instruction
Co-Teaching Moves
- Noticing and Naming
- Thinking Aloud
- Teaching in Tandem
- You Pick Four
- Micro Modeling
Measure the Impact of Coaching on Student and Teacher Learning
We use the...
- Results-Based Coaching Tool
- Coaching Logs
- Exit Interviews
Partner with the School Leader
It's about...
- Separating pressure and support
- Clearly defining roles
- Creating structures for coaching
- Celebrating learning