"Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God" Matthew 5:8
This quote explains that we should live a sinless life. We, as Christians, were taught to live by His word, and if we sin we should ask for forgiveness. We do this to achieve salvation.
This quote shows that people should always stick to God's. If we don't do this we should repent and ask for forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness can bring you closer to salvation, and that is why it's so important.
Dear God,
Please supply us with your knowledge and wisdom to always live purely. For you are who we live for and we shall forever do as you wish. When we do wrong, lead us to do whats right. Lead us to ask for forgiveness for our sins. We live to achieve ever lasting life and to be with you for eternity. When we live a life free of sin, we will then achieve salvation.