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Student Retention

Published on Feb 01, 2016

Why do students leave community college before graduation?


Student Retetion

Lanier Technical College
Photo by Will Folsom

Why Students Stay

Photo by nickfyson

Campus Culture

  • Diversity
  • Comfortable surroundings
  • A place to bring families


  • Sense of belonging
  • Involvement in student activities
  • "Community" climate


  • Academic support
  • Connect education to "real world"
  • Take ownership of education
Photo by Sydney Uni

Why Students Leave

Photo by quinn.anya

#1 Academics

# 2 Work & Family

Photo by Alan Cleaver

# 3 Financial Problems

Photo by fakesalt

Lack of Motivation

Photo by SweetOnVeg

Lack of Involvement

Socially & Academically
Photo by Stewart Black


Photo by bengrey

Why Students Drop Out

What Students Need

Photo by familymwr


Assistance forming
Photo by Novemberdelta

Clear Information

Photo by davis.steve32

Academic Support

Photo by rkramer62

To Feel Safe & Important

Photo by State Farm


Photo by aloshbennett

Academic Affairs

Improve Scheduling Options

Use scheduling software to maximize resources

Increase full time faculty

PT $ training/rehiring; negatively affect retention
Regression analysis indicates that graduation rates for public community colleges in the United States are adversely affected when institutions rely heavily upon part-time faculty instruction. Negative effects may be partially offset if the use of part-time faculty increases the net faculty resource available per student. However, the evidence suggests that this offset is insufficient to reverse negative effects upon graduation rates.
Photo by AKMA

Train Faculty & Staff

Photo by Ron Cogswell

Create Faculty Incentives

2015 studies:

Coastal Carolina University gives faculty incentives for student retention. Student retention increased from 64-67% in the first 2 years of the program. Average retention for first year students is 79%

Wake Forest & Colorado College shows colleges and universities looking for the most return on investment, spending on faculty and student services make it significantly more likely that a graduate will not only gain full-time employment, but also land a job that closely matches their skill set formed in college
Photo by Tax Credits

Student Affairs

Opportunities for Involvement

One full-time employee's sole purpose 
Photo by pennstatenews

Offer Financial Assistance

  • Promote Nelnet
  • Financial aid counseling
  • 2+ private loan institutions
  • Spring semester loan reapplication days
Photo by frankieleon

Campus Climate

Comes from the top down
Photo by Philippe 2009

Improve Campus Climate

  • Engage students in classroom & out
  • "Frontload" assistance
  • Arrange peer support
  • Learn about "millennials"
  • Provide options in learning
  • Review student profiles prior to class
Millinnials & Options:
Part time faculty are not usually given time for preparation and grading. Accommodating various learning styles is less likely to occur.

Meet students at a local coffee house

Arrange for help early. Most students decide to drop out at the beginning of the semester

Increase Campus Security

Improve lighting & visible security
Photo by UWW ResNet

Student Services + Academic Affairs

Integrate Services
Photo by fengschwing

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