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Sub Saharan Africa

Published on Dec 06, 2015

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Photo by angela7dreams

Sub Saharan Africa is located south of the Saharan desert and consists of 42 states.

Africa's religion consist of 22% Muslims, 35% Christian and 41% traditional African and they speak a variety of languages like Swahili and Hausa

Cultural practices include wearing wooden masks while dancing for religious practices and chanting and singing for tradition

Africa is working on becoming a democratic government. Some states accepted the idea while others haven't.

On average one woman gives birth to 5 kids and she has a 1/16 of dieing in childbirth

Hiv and aids also play a big part in maternal health. UNICEF and WHO are supporting the “3 by 5 Initiative” program

Photo by jonrawlinson

Another issue that affects Africa is undernourishment.
239 million people in sub-Saharan Africa were hungry/undernourished in 2010. 1/3 of people are undernourished today

Photo by Ali Elan