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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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By Amy Schlicht 

Present Active:
take off the infinitive and use "She wears a diamond tiara" to figure out what vowel to put after the stem then add m,s,t,mus,tis,nt endings.
Passive: do the same things but add passive endings. r,ris,tur,mur,mini,ntus
ex) active: rideant
passive: rideantur

"She wears a diamond tiara"

For first conjugation the vowel will be E (shE)
2nd conjugation the vowel will be EA (wEArs)
3rd conjugation the vowel will be A (A)
3rd io the vowel will be IA (dIAmond)
4th conjugation the vowel will be IA (tiara)

Imperfect Active
Take the 2nd principal part then ADD endings (m,s,t,mus,tis,nt)
ex) manerem

Imperfect Passive:
Take the infinitive then add passive endings r,ris,tur,mur,mini,ntur
ex) manereris

Perfect Active
1) Take the 3rd principal part take off the i and add active endings
ex) amaveris

Perfect Passive
1) use 4th principal part and then add sim,sis,sit,simus,sitis,sint
ex) amatus sim

Pluperfect Subjunctive Active
1) Take the 3rd principal part then ADD sse then ADD the subjunctive endings
ex) fecissemus

Pluperfect Passive
1) take the 4th principal part then add esse as another word then add your subjunctive endings
ex) tersi essent
ex) actum esset

Irregulars in Subjunctive
sum, esse (I may be)
sim, sis, sit, simus, sitis, sint

possum, posse (they may be able)

possim, possis, possit, possimus, possitis, possint

volo, velle (you may want)

velim, velis, velit, velimus, velitis, velint

nolo, nolle (we may not want)

nolim, nolis, nolit, nolimus, nolitis, nolint

malo, malle (you all may prefer)

malim, malis, malit, malimus, malitis, malint

fero, ferre (we may bring)

ACTIVE: feram, feras, ferat, feramus, feratis, ferant
PASSIVE: ferar, feraris, feratur, feramur, feramini, ferantur

eo, ire (they may go)

eam, eas, eat, eamus, eatis, eant

lego, legere, legi, lectus
ex) Present Active: legas
Present Passive: legaris
Imperfect Active: legeres
Imperfect Passive: legereris
Perfect Active: legeris
Perfect Passive: lectus sis
Pluperfect Active: legisses
Plurperfect Passive: lectus esses