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Published on Feb 09, 2016

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period number 3 and group number 16.


  • Is a chemical element with symbol S.
  • Atomic number 16
  • It is abundant, multivalent nonmetal.
  • It has a yellow color.

chemical properties

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  • atomic number: 16
  • Mass number: 32.06
  • number of protons: 16
  • number of electron: 16
  • number of neutrons: 32-16= 16

How can you find it in the Nature?

In nature, sulfur occurs in volcanic hot springs and regions, especially around volcanoes.

For use and trade and human activities, it is usually extracted from salt mines, is obtained from natural gas as crude oil.

Industrial process to obtain it.

Today, sulfur is produced from petroleum, natural gas, and related fossil resources, from which it is obtained mainly as hydrogen sulfide.

Hydrogen sulfide found in raw natural gas and it derived from refining crude oil.

Common uses for this elements

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  • This element is utilized in the creation of sulfuric acid used in different industries.
  • The element is used in the creation of steel and rubber

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  • It is a vital component in dyes, fungicides and production of agrichemicals
  • Sulfur has elements that can eliminate acne


how they for rock

and dust.