- Hunters and gathers grops frist settle in Mesopotamia
- The frist farm settlement form in Mesoptamia
- Farme settlements develop into villages
- Settlement develop into citles
- The world's frist civilizaion called sumer
The sumarean city sate
Origanaly sumero was made up of two parts rearel farm land they grew crops like wheat and bagly and hada cencrel city where you would find a maine tempel and homes this lays out to the for mashon of the city state meaning a palitical until made up of a central city and all the country side around it.
The developtment of sumer
overtime meany citys staed develop in sumer and conftect but arsed as deaders tride to saspant there terotory by ganing more farm land decause of this citys states bit up strong big walls around there citys for pratecshion
Sumareans society
Religaon plade a big role in daily lives of sumareans they worsheped