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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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by: Aidan Dolan

Stable Food Supply

  • They Made the first plow.
  • They built canals, dams, and reservoirs.
  • Plows made farming easier.
  • The first plow was made out of wood.

Social structure

  • The upper class people we're priests, landowners, and gov. officals.
  • The middle class is the common class we're merchants and craftpeople.
  • Slaves were at the bottom.
Photo by mharrsch


  • A Sumerian army  had temp. citizen soldiers.
  • The King made laws and collected taxes.
  • The Sumerians we're the first city-state to develop laws.


  • They offered people to the gods.
  • They made ziggurats.
  • Suemrians tried to please the gods.

The Arts

  • Sumerians loved music.
  • They were good artists.
  • They had religious.


  • Sumerians invented the first writing language cuneiform.
  • Cuneiform consisted of over 700 letters and symbols.
  • When the Sumerians first invented cuneiform, it had over 2,000 letters.


  • The Sumerians invented the wheel.
  • The Sumerians also invented the arch that could be on upside down V or U.
  • They also invented the chariot.
Photo by dbnunley