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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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by Gael Nolasco

stable food supply

  • made the first plow out of wood
  • built canals,dams,and reservoirs
  • plow made farming faster and easier
Photo by smith_cl9

social structure

  • upper class -priests,land owners,and govt.officials
  • middle class-"common class"included merchants and crafts people
  • slaves were at the very bottom
Photo by mharrsch


  • king's had officials under them to help them with there duties
  • sumerian kings enforced the laws and collected taxes
  • a king also led his city-states army


  • sumerians expressed beliefs by building temples and religion towers
  • it was the king's duty to build and maintain the ziggurats
  • the ritual killing of a person as an offering to the gods

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