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Sun, Moon, Stars

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Sun, MoOn, Stars

in Religious Rituals
Photo by pareeerica

the worship of stars and other heavenly bodies as deities, or the association of deities with heavenly bodies

Photo by spencer77

"To lose your mother, well, that is like losing the sun above you" (p141)

Photo by ecstaticist


Hindu Sun God

resurrection in spiritual arenas

Photo by veloheart

four-pointed star

  • Star of Bethlehem/natal star
  • Jesus' birth and purpose
  • Church decoration
  • Advent and Christmas seasons

five-pointed star

  • Star of Bethlehem
  • Shaped like a human being
  • Jesus' incarnation

Pagan Pentagram

Photo by Ryan Karolak

six-pointed star

  • Creator's star
  • Six days of creation
  • Power, wisdom, majesty
  • Love, mercy, and justice
  • Star of David - modern day Israel

seven-pointed star

Seven gifts of the Spirit

Moon in Islam

new moon

  • First phase of the moon
  • New beginnings
  • Fresh starts
  • New experiences

“Darkness came. There was no moon. Clouds hid the stars. The contours of things became hard to distinguish. Everything disappeared, the sea, the lifeboat, my own body” (p131).

crescent moon

  • Known as Hilal
  • Start and end of Islamic months
  • Precise time
  • Pi counts the days lost at sea
  • Estimates the date of his mother's birthday

“The moon was a sharply defined crescent and the sky was perfectly clear”
“No! No! No! My suffering does matter. I want to live!” (p196)

half moon

(First Quarter Moon)
Photo by Todd Ryburn

full moon

Power and Clarity
Photo by halfrain

“The poor lost soul
had arrived on the
terrible shores before me” (p313)

Photo by Paolo Margari