Sunday June 28, 2015

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Photo by mag3737

All are welcome

This is the message of Acts
Photo by srgpicker

Here's our welcome statement

  • All are invited to worship & participate in the life of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Everybody means everybody

  • To commune at God's table
  • We welcome all regardless of religious background,

We are a Reconciling In Christ Congregation

  • Accepting all regardless of ethnicity
  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity
  • life circumstances
Photo by John-Morgan

We rejoice in the diversity of God's creation which enriches, nurtures & expands our life & ministry as followers of Jesus & servants of the world

God's grace is for everyone

We pray together:

Holy Spirit Come. Open us up-
Photo by r. Vore

We share in God's word

Acts 10
Photo by CeeKay's Pix

We share at the table

Photo by theqspeaks

We are sent to share what we have received

Photo by Funchye

Go forth in peace

  • Be of good courage
  • Hold fast to that which is good
  • Render to no one evil for evil
  • Strengthen the fainthearted
  • Support the weak
  • Help the afflicted
  • Honor all people
  • Love and serve the Lord abiding in the comfort of the Holy Spirit
  • And the blessing of God Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit rest upon you and remain with you this day and forever
Photo by kevin dooley