SUPRAVENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA is a rapid heart rhythm of the upper heart chambers . In supraventrical electricals signals travel from the upper chambers of the heart to the lower chambers of the hear
Svt are usually 150 -250 beats per minute but can be both slower or faster commonly supraventricular results in symptoms such as
Tachycardia is caused by something that disrupts the normal electrical impulses that control the rhythm of your heart's pumping action. Many things can cause or contributes to the problems with the heart's electrical system..
Damage the heart tissues from heart disease ,abnormal electrical pathways in the heart present at birth (congenital) high blood pressure , smoking ,fever ,and drinking too much alcohol .
The test that can be done when your physicians recommended an electrophysiological test to confirm the diagnosis or to pinpoint the location of in your hearts circuitry.
During the test a thin flexible tube (catheter )tipped with electrodes are threaded through your blood vessels to various spots in your heart .
(ECG) an ECG uses small sensors (electrodes) attended to your chest and arms record electrical signals as they travel through your heart .
Your doctor can look for patterns among these signals to determine what kind of tachycardia you have and how abnormalities in the heart may be contributing to fast heart rate .