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Supreme Court Nomination

Published on Feb 29, 2016

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Supreme Court Nomination

Ross Melvin 
Photo by Scott*


  • Judicial Branch of the Government
  • Highest court in the land.
  • 9 Justices
  • Appointed by President
Photo by afagen

Justice Scalia

  • Born in March 11, 1936. Died February 12, 2016.
  • Appointed by Reagan in 1986
  • Constituaionalist and Conservitve
Photo by SteveMasker

Republican response to Nomination

  • Vowed to deny holding confirmations of Obama nominee.
  • Think that nomination should come after election. Voter should decide next justice.
  • President is lame duck. They argue the president does not have appointment power in last year.
Photo by DonkeyHotey

President Obama response

  • Reblicans using flawed logic
  • Constitutional right to apoint
  • lame duck refrers to months after election
Photo by N0fX

Where we are now

  • With the court at an even number we could have rulings end in 4-4 tie
  • If tie is reached lower court ruling stays
  • What do you think? Should Obama appoint a new justice?