What was Susan B. Anthony's bold turning point in history.
Susan B. Anthony was one of the first women in the world to fight for rights for women to vote in 1900's
She was born on February 15, 1820, Adams, MA. Her original name was Susan Brownell Anthony.
In 1851, she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who became her lifelong friend and co-worker in social reform activities, primarily in the field of women's rights.
Susan B. Anthony was born in to a social equal family and "she collected anti-slavery petitions at the age of 17,also in1856, she became the New York state agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society."
Once Susan met Elizabeth, they started to focus on women's rights and let them vote.
On November 5, 1872, she put in vote for presidential election and women were still not allowed to vote. She was arrested two weeks later after voting.
Susan died on March 13, 1906 in Rochester, NY.
On August 18,1920 women were given the right to vote.
In order to honor Susan for her effort to give women right to vote, she was carved into a coin.
That was Susan B. Anthony's bold turning point in history.