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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • SouthWest Asia & North Africa
  • Land of many problems within its people
  • Recent Development has started to grow throughout region
  • Water is very scarce; Land is mainly desert
  • Best place of Earth to find Oil


  • Borders were made from European settlements of France and Great Britain in the region
  • First borders were made during the Ottoman Empire reign (1550-1850)
  • French settlements were mainly in the North; Great Britain settlements were in the South and East
  • Great Britain made what is today Israel, West Bank, and Iran; France made Lebanon, Syria, & Saudi Arabia
  • After the 1950's, Europeans left giving countries their independence and leaving the borders how they are today


  • Brought great wealth to the region
  • Money from export has resulted in the development of some areas
  • Oil export keeps foreign relationships connected because foreigners rely on it
  • Some countries live in Riches; Others live in poverty
  • The most oil in the world is found in Saudi Arabia


  • Lots of conflict between different cultures
  • Israel is "bully" of the region and no one really likes them due to support of U.S.
  • Israelites and Palestinians between Israel and the West Bank is main conflict in the region
  • Iraq is battlefield of three religions; Saddam of Sunni Arab is a huge jerk and is taking all power and resources
  • Many countries get caught in the crossfire of other countries' problems with each other


  • Water is used for farming and irrigation, agriculture, which is mainly practiced throughout the region
  • The fossil water and clean water is constantly being depleted or polluted, causing some people to have water shortages
  • South demands resources of water from the north because in that part of the region it's all desert
  • Northern parts of countries benefit from the easy access to coastal water so they grow more crops
  • Water is becoming scarce causing people to have to fight over what's left or going to be left in the future


  • Main cause of development throughout region has come from export of OIL= Piles of money brought in
  • Development has recently started and is bringing success in the region to give people a better life
  • Some benefit a lot to create a urban landscape for its people; Some barely have developed & have rural landscape
  • Plots of land are constantly removed for the building of urban buildings, brick and stone houses, & roads
  • Brought tensions to traditional people because they're used to rural landscape for agriculture and older jobs