Sword Fish

Published on Nov 18, 2015

No Description



by. Brandon Conner
Photo by Spring Dew

Common and Scientific name

  • Xiphias Gladius (Sword in Greek)
  • Swordfish
Photo by Wonderlane

Physical Adaptations

  • Long bill called a sword to slash its prey
  • Bail fin helps to swim fast and be agile
  • High tolerance to water temperature (41 to 81 degrees)
Photo by steei

Behavioral adaptions

  • They kill any fish who try to steal their territory or come in it.
  • To hurt a fish they must slash their bill back and forth to stun the fish.
  • They jump from the water to remove pest.


  • They have a fat belly and get shorter by the end and have a sharp bill on the nose.
  • They are 5 feet and 7 inches long.
  • They weigh 800 to 1000 pounds.
  • They are black and brown on the top and light black and brown on the bottom.
Photo by WIDTTF


  • Nekton.
  • Fastest speed is 60 mph but the average is 40 mph.
  • One of the fastest fish.

Ocean Zone

  • Sunlight Zone
  • Twilight Zone

Map Of Area

  • They are found mostly in South Africa
  • They migrate to warmer waters in the winter and cooler water in the summer.
  • They are mainly found in the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Abiotic and Biotic Factors of Habitat

  • Abiotic - They are commonly seen at 1800 feet but can be seen from 650 to 2000 feet. They prefer dark light in 65 to 75 degree water.
  • Biotic - It interacts with seaweed and algae.
Photo by The Opus

Direct And Environmental Impact on Swordfish

  • Negative: People are over fishing, polluting the water and eating the swordfish.
  • Positive: People can set up protected zones for no fishing and promote no serving at restaurants.
  • Electronic tags track the location depth and temperature of swordfish.
  • Join "Give swordfish a break" campaign.
Photo by txGeek


Photo by mrjoro

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Joey Hachtel

Haiku Deck Pro User