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Sydney Carton

Published on Nov 27, 2015

Sydney Carton's ambiguity


Sydney Carton

ambiguous martyr

Why Carton is ambiguous?

  • His actions can be seen in two different ways.
  • He is a good man, but he wa perceived as lazy and not a hard worker.

What is ambiguity?

Ambiguity is the idea that something can be seen in more than one light at the same time.

Themes Carton takes place in

  • Recalled to Life
  • Love and Sacrifice
  • Exile
Photo by Tom Codd

Recalled to Life

  • Carton recalls Dr. Manette to life by saving him at his trail, yet he doesn't entirely save Dr. Manette because the physician is not mentally saved.
  • Carton recalls Darnay to life by taking his place at the guillotine, but he does not save himself; therefore, Carton does not recall everyone to life.

Recalled to Life

  • Carton recalls Dr. Manette to life by saving him at his trail, yet he doesn't entirely save Dr. Manette because the physician is not mentally saved.
  • Carton recalls Darnay to life by taking his place at the guillotine, but he does not save himself; therefore, Carton does not recall everyone to life.

Love and Sacrifice

  • Carton loves Lucie Mannette and does everything possible to keep her happy; however, if he really loved her, then he would be able to let her go.
  • Darnay is sentenced to death, so Carton's love for Darnay's wife posses him to save Carton, but he did not really love Darnay.
Photo by mag3737


  • Carton is exiled from France after he takes Darnay's place in execution.
  • Carton also exiles himself from happiness in that he cannot get over his love for Lucie and move on.
Photo by jason nahrung

Quotes proving each theme

  • Recalled to Life- "Carton dressed himself in the clothes the prisoner laid aside, combed back his hair, and tied it with the ribbon the prisoner had worn (345)."
  • Love and Sacrifice- "If it had been possible, Miss Manette, that you could have returned the love of the man you see before you... he would have been conscious of this day and this hour (153-4)."
  • Exile- "You will not be the cause of my becoming worse (155.)"


  • Dickens, Charles. _A Tale of Two Cities_. First Signet Classic Printing (Busch Introduction), 1997. Print.
  • Sean. "Sydney Carton." _Blog Spot_. N. P. 18 Mar. 2012. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.