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Symbiotic Relationship

Published on May 15, 2015

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  • They have a mutualism relationship
  • The scientific name for a remora is echeneidae and a sharks is selachimorpha
  • You could find the shark in every ocean and a remora you could find attached to sharks,boats,sea turtles,and other marine life animals
  • A remora eats the remains of a hosts meals and a shark eats fish and other marine mammals
  • The shark is the host and the remora cleans the shark and get the remains of the sharks food


  • They have a commensalism relationship
  • The scientific name for a saguaro cactus is carnegiea gigantea and a gila woodpeckers is melanerpes uropygialks
  • The saguaro cactus is found in southern arizona and the woodpecker is found in the american southwest to central mexico
  • A gila woodpecker feeds on insects,cactus fruit,mistletoe berries,and other seasonal fruits and the cactus gets water and stores it and drinks it
  • The saguaro cactus is the host and the Gila woodpecker nests inside of it


  • They have a mutualism relationship
  • The scientific name for a hermit crab is paguroidea and a giant teitons is charonia
  • The giant triton is found in the pacific oceans and the hermit crab is found in the pacific ocean beaches
  • Hermit crabs feed on algae and plankton and a giant triton feeds on other molluscss and starfish
  • The role of the giant triton is when it dies its shell comes off and the hermit crabs use their shells