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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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State Bird:Cardinal
The North Carolina State Bird is the Cardinal.The Females have Buffy brown ,reddish wings.Male Cardinals have brilliant scarlet red .Northern Cardinals Breed 2-3 times each season.
Also the Cardinal is the state bird of seven other states.

Photo by Edison 43

State wild animal:Gray Squirrel
The North Carolina State wild animal is the Gray Squirrel.The Gray Squirrel grows up to17-20 inches.Gray Squirrels can liv up to 5-20 years .The Gray Squirrel can weigh up to 1-1/4 ponds.

State Flower :Dogwood
The North Carolina State Flower is the Dogwood.The color of their petals are red,pink ,and white .The Dogwood is a spring flower.The official State Flower was designated in March,1941.

Photo by audreyjm529

State Stone:Emerland
The North Carolina State Stone is the Emerland.They are recognized as one of the four precious stones in the world.The Emerald is a gemstone.

Photo by greyloch

State Rock:Granite
The North Carolina State Rock is Granite .It has a smooth surface .Granite is the oldest Igneous rock.

State Song:The old North State
The North Carolina State Song is "The Old North State ''.The song name is the North Carolina nickname.It was composed by Judge William Gaston .It was officially made in February 18,1927

State Horse:colonial Spanish Mustang
The North Carolina State Horse is the Colonial Spanish Mustang.Its the state symbol in 14 states.It can weigh up to 800 pounds .Its average size is 14-15 feet.

Photo by Joye~

State Tree : Long Leaf Pine
The North Carolina State tree is the Long Leaf Pine.The size of a full grown tree is 100-150 ft.Its bark color is reddish brown,and scaly .

Photo by blmiers2

State Colors :Red and Blue
The North Carolina state colors are Red and Blue .It is appear in many flags.They were declared it's color in 1945 .Also these colors were in the Civil War .

State Festivals:Watermelon
The North Carolina State Festivals is The watermelon festival.Six types of watermelon are grown in the U.S .They weigh up to 10-30 pounds.The first recorded watermelon was 5,000 years ago in Egypt

Photo by Kirti Poddar