What are synthetic cannabinoids?
Synthetic cannabinoids (or synthetic marijuana) are a class of psychoactive designer drugs created by mixing natural herbs with synthetic chemicals to produce a claimed alternative to marijuana. Most producers claim it can be smoked in the same manner as marijuana, whether out of a pipe, water bong, hookah, vaporizer, or simply rolled into a joint or blunt. While it was marketed to appear similar to marijuana, there is dispute whether it shares similar psychoactive and pharmacological characteristics.
Street names
Some common street names for this drug include: Spice (diamond, gold, silver), K2, K2 summit, Solar Flare, Yucatan Fire, Ninja, Zombie World, Bad to the Bone, and many more.
How are synthetic cannabinoids taken?
Synthetic cannabinoids are taken the same way as marijuana is taken. Smoked, eaten, or drunk.