Gentrification: the process of community revitalization by an influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas.
Locus of Control: level of control you believe you possess over yourself or that other powers possess, such as luck or fate
Locus of Responsibility: level of responsibility you place on either yourself or others Internal v External
How much control and responsibility do we have and hold when it comes to Gentrification???
"He's the first mainstream African American who is articulate and
bright and clean and
a nice looking guy."
Microaggressions: a comment or behavior, whether intentional or not, that communicates derogatory or negative slights and insults that have a harmful or unpleasant psychological impact on a target person or group. (Solorzano)
What makes a Microaggression?
- Subtlety
- Alternative explanation
- Represents a bias
- Demonstrates ignorance
Effects of Microaggressions
- Pain, hurt
- Anger, frustration, stress
- Lowers self-esteem
- Poor Academic Performance
- Poor Health Outcomes
Are Microaggressions more psychologically harmful than overt racism, sexism, heterosexism?