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This photo of a menu represents the choices people make on what to eat is identical to the government making choices themselves on how they can do something
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Systems Vocab

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A form of government where citizens hold power. Making choices themselves or choosing representatives to make choices for them

This photo of a menu represents the choices people make on what to eat is identical to the government making choices themselves on how they can do something
Photo by souvikdg

Direct democracy
A form of government where the citizens vote on all the decisions made by the government

This photo is the the voting booths at elections which is also how people in the government decide whether to complete something before or after something else
Photo by C x 2

Parliamentary Democracy
A form of government where the citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them, and the representatives elect someone to carry out the decisions

In this photo it represents the elected people to make decisions for them are conversing over something

Presidential democracy
A form of government where the citizens elect representatives and elect the person who will carry out the decisions.

In this photo John F Kennedy (JFK) is giving a speech as the president who was elected by the citizens

A system of government where one person is born into the role of making all of the decisions for a nation (king or queen)

In this photo the “king” in chess is the one who is the leader of the rest of the chess pieces who is “making the decisions” (even though its the person controlling the pieces but it’s still making the decisions on how to stop the other king)

A system of government where one person controls the decision making through the military and police.

In this photo Kim Jong Un is the dictator of North Korea. He makes all the decisions with his military

A government that is headed by religious leaders.

In this picture there is Jesus. Jesus was a religious leader
Photo by christopheles

Single party state
A nation where by law only one political party is allowed to rule.

This photo represents kind of what North Korea is about as a single party state where Kim Jong Un is fully in charge
Photo by Peer.Gynt

A political system where all power is controlled by one central government.

In this photo there is one person is sitting and fishing. The person fishing represents the one central government and the fish represent the people
Photo by tunnelarmr

A political system where power is shared between one central and local governments.

The windmill represents the power and when the wind is turned into electricity it is shares to the electricity company and sent to local areas. Like the government the power is shared

A political System where power is mainly controlled by local governments.

In this photo, the train signal (on the right) is controlled by the local dispatch controlling each segment of the track. Like the political systems it’s controlled locally
Photo by Hindrik S

Market Economy
An economic system that relies on markets to control the price of goods and services.

The traffic light is like the part of the economic system that the cars (representing the markets) rely on
Photo by Hermes Rivera

An economic system where the government controls the prices of goods and services.

In this photo, the control room is the like where the government is controlling the goods and service
Photo by jaygoldman

An economic system where the government controls some of the prices of goods and services.

In this photo, the radar of air traffic control only can tell where aircraft in their airspace is. It’s like the government where they control some goods.
Photo by jojo 77