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This picture relates to democracy
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Systems Vocabulary

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  • Definition- A form of government where the citizens vote on all of the decisions made by government.
This picture relates to democracy


  • Definition- A form of government where the citizens vote on all of the decisions made by government.
This picture relates to direct democracy because it is theoretically a group of just regular citizens having a discussion on laws and things because in direct democracy everyone gets to vote on every law made.
Photo by blueoxen


  • Definition- A form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them, and the representatives elect someone to carry out the decisions.
This picture relates to parliamentary democracy because in parliamentary democracy you can only vote for the representatives. This is a picture of people voting for representatives.


  • Definition- A form of government where the citizens elect representatives and elect the person who will carry out the decisions.
The picture shows a ballet box where people are electing representatives.


  • Definition- A system of government where one person is born into the role of making all of the decisions for a nation (king or queen)
This picture relates to monarchy because in Great Britain they are ran by monarchy. And that is a picture of some of there royalty.
Photo by Mikepaws


  • Definition- A system of government where one person controls the decision making through the military and police.
This picture relates to dictatorship because it is the flag of North Korea. North Korea is ran by a dictator named kim jung un.
Photo by John Pavelka


  • Definition- A government that is headed by religious leaders.
This picture relates to theocracy because it means a place ran by not on religion and Judaism is a religion.


  • Definition- A nation where by law only one political party is allowed to rule.
This picture relates to a single party state because it means a state filled with only one party and in America the parties are republican and democratic.


  • A political system where all power is controlled by one central government.
Unitary government relates to this picture Because a unitary government means that the government makes all final decisions by themselves. This picture is of someone stamping there final approvement on something as the government would do. They have the ultimate say in unitary.
Photo by rawpixel


  • A political system where power is shared between one central and local governments.
This picture relates to the word federal because the sign is implying that it is a federal law which means the law applies to everyone in the country.
Photo by Marcus Q


  • A political System where power is mainly controlled by local governments.
The word confederal relates to this image Because election law is governed by states.


  • An economic system that relies on markets to control the price of goods and services.
That picture shows an example of a vegetable market. Which is where wrote economy takes place.
Photo by MILKOVÍ


  • An economic system where the government controls the prices of goods and services
This picture shows a power grid which is an example of a command economy because the government regulates the cost of electricity


  • An economic system where the government controls some of the prices of goods and services.
The United States is an example of a mixed economy.
Photo by babasteve