The taiga is a harshly cold biome the only type of trees that can live there are coniferous trees.Examples are spruce,and evergreens. Some animals that live there are bears, Bobcats, ermine, and moles. Most animals adapt by hibernating during the cold times, or growing a fur coat.
The TAIGA'S topography used to be large glaciers but when they receded they left large gouges and when precipitation occurs they are filled with water.
Some weird facts about the taiga is that it is home to the ermine which sucks blood out of its prey.Another is all the trees like evergreens never drop leaves which doesn't give the ground nutrients.A odd thing is that there is common fires which help burn down old trees which is necessary for the taiga.
Many animals in the taiga have to adapt to the cold temperature by developing fur or more layers of feathers and hibernate when it gets colder.the Canadian Lynx for example has paws that act as snow shoes.
There has been many human impacts like logging for trees that have destroyed thousands of trees and they put up dams which stop fish from breeding and logging destroys habitat for animals