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Taiga Biome

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The Taiga biome is the largest Taiga biome in the world and stretches across a large portion of Canada, Europe, and Asia. The Biome has lots of conifers growing there. The summers there are warm and the winters are cold.

There are many animals that live in the Taiga biome: rabbits, wolves, Fox, bear, lynx, squirrels, and moose, etc..

Most of the animals that live in this biome have lots of fur to protect them from the cold

Here is a food web of a Taiga biome

Now here are the plants in the region.

Here are a lot of plants in the Taiga Biome

  • Paper Birch
  • Fire snag
  • Willow
  • Wild rose
  • Trembling aspen
  • Tamarack
  • Green alder
  • White Spruce

The plants in this environment don’t need that much water and sunlight because they have adapted to the climate of the biome.

The trees in the Biome have adapted to not shed their needles throughout the entire year because then they don’t have to grow them back in the spring.

Now it is time for the weather in the Biome.

The Taiga biome gets approximately 12-33 inches of rain (30 to 85 centimeters) per year. In the winter the Biome usually does not get much snow precipitation but there is more precipitation in the summer.

The temperature usually in my biome is usually low and the lowest temperature ever recorded there was in winter (-65 F). The temperature average in the Biome is usually 32 Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius and it is usually like that for half the year.

The climate in the Taiga Biome is for the most part covered by cold arctic air. The air is very bitter and cold and the temps fall higher at night when there are no clouds to block the sun.

Colorado’s temperature has always been above zero and the Taiga biome has been below zero many more times. Colorado’s rainfall annually is 16.56 inches and the Taiga biome is 30 inches of rainfall annually.

Now here is the geographer’s part....

Some landforms in the Taiga Biome are mountains, narrow valleys, and also some basins. Usually the terrain is rough and bumpy and rugged.

Obviously some people do live here but it gets below zero half of the year so others may not want to live here.

Overall the Taiga is a cold and bitter biome and is located mostly in Canada.