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Slide Notes

Creates memories vs. 22

Practice ministry skills

get to know each other on both good and bad days

Take Trips

Published on May 13, 2021

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Take Trips

Creates memories vs. 22

Practice ministry skills

get to know each other on both good and bad days
Photo by Éole

Be Together

spend time with each other
Teaching, discipling, modeling takes time and effort vs. 22

Breen quote -

Share Ministry

John was baptizing vs. 23

Jesus was baptizing

team work is a great

Photo by IDVMedia


teach others to work through them
Proper process of purification with John's disciples and a Jew who prbably knew the rules and John's disciples didn't

these two had a discussion in the ESV, it is the word for passionate discussion, or better an argument or a dispute.....

And John explains in his answer

Heaven sends the results based on God given roles

I am not the Christ, as you have heard me say

(Illus. issue of consistent view of one's role and identity here)

I am part of the bride and can rejoice because it looks like my job has been completed - I can hear the bridegoom's voice....vs. 29

(Illus great deal of joy involved when you see your ministry bearing fruit according to God's plan)

TIme for me to decrease and for Him to increase vs. 30

John recognizes that his minstry transition is upon him.....
Photo by agullalee

Lead Discussions

on what you see
He is talking about Jesus

Let me tell you a little more about what you are seeing....

1. The one I am handing off to is above me, you, above all

2. He speaks with a message from heaven

3. He shares His Father's words but no one seems to listens vs. 32

4. But hose who do authenticate that God is true vs. 33

5. He is sent by God, speaks the words of God vs. 34

6. The Spirit has unlimited resources to use in making things understandable vs. 34

7. The Father loves the Son and has given him all things, all authority etc.
Photo by Le Wagon

Life        or        Wrath

lead people to choices
Disciplers help lead people to decisions about Jesus

Choose life in Jesus

Why would you choose to suffer for your own sin when Jesus has already taken your place?

Wrath is the emotion God feels towards sin and its consequences
Photo by Wonderlane

A Good Investor

  • Takes trips with group
  • Empasizes being together
  • Shares ministry
  • Works through transitions
  • Leads Discussions
  • Gets you to decision time
Photo by Got Credit

Decision Time

  • Do you want eternal life?
  • Do you want to become an investor?
Disciplers help lead people to decisions about Jesus

Choose life in Jesus

Why would you choose to suffer for your own sin when Jesus has already taken your place?

Wrath is the emotion God feels towards sin and its consequences

If you want eternal life, believe in Jesus as your savior, that died for your sins and rose again, and waits to welcome you into His kingdom.

Want to become an investor?

Give me your name, and I will contact you about how to take your investing to the next level.
Photo by Wonderlane

Michael Cadrette

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