Talents unlimited: Thinking Skills instruction for all students
What is this model?
- This is for Teachers!!
- It allows teachers to recognize and nurture the multiple talents of all students.
- Teachers use: knowledge, skills, and attitutes for an instructional setting.
Who promotes this model?
- Carol H. Schlighter
- Calvin Taylor
5 Key Instructional skills used in this model
- Giving directions or asking questions that contain specific cues for students to perform.
- Providing time for students to reflect and respond
- Accepting/supporting students' ideas and building upon their ideas
- Modeling the thinking skills for the students
- Developing materials to integrate skills in all subject/interest area.
Talent Areas
- Productive Thinking
- Decision Making
- Planning
- Forecasting
- Communication
- Academic
Productive Thinking:
divergent thinking-fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. (Stretch thinking & stirs imagination)
Decision Making: examination and evaluation possible solutions (take your time -no rush judgement)
Planning: a cluster of skills designed to help thinkers describe an idea for a project.( Best actions to take to implement the project)
Forecasting: force students to think about consequences of a situation( long & short term -pushes analytic thinking)
Communication: fluency and flexibility in the use of language. (helps students increase their confidence in verbal and nonverbal language)
State & District using this model
- Mobile, Alabama
- Shelton, Washington
- supports enhancements
- multiple thinking skills
- self-concept
- academic achievement