Opening Sequence
- Story Line
- Engages audience
- Editing was more complex
- Longer preparation was needed
- More creative
I feel that my opening sequence showed my creative side. I felt that it was much more entertaining than my prelim task. First of all, my opening sequence needed a story board so that we could plan everything out and have everything sorted when it came to filming, whereas with my prelim task, it was very much, think up on the spot of something interesting.
I've learnt how certain different shots can show more dynamic and make a scene look more fluid (match on action shot) this has helped me a lot with my opening sequence task because I feel it has made our material look more professional and more entertaining than it would with a static camera with only one shot type. I have also learnt about how important continuity is when filming.
For example, when I was filming for my opening sequence task, there were slight continuity errors because we had accidentally moved props and such, we later fixed this in editing, but this goes to show how much I have learnt with basic concepts such as continuity and how I have tried to apply them to our tasks.