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Published on Dec 06, 2015

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~Tau Ceti~

Monique sutherlin

Tau ceti is presently in the main sequence stage.
the age of tau ceti is around 6 billion years old, tau ceti is 12 light years from earth.

Spectral class: G-type
Luminosity class: 0.52 + 0.03
Mass of star compared to the sun is 78% of sun
Luminosity compared to the sun is 52% of sun
~Tau ceti is about half of the sun~

~Temperature: 5,344 K~
IT's temperature compared to the sun is a similar surface temperature to the sun.
The Radius compared to the sun is 20% small then the sun.

Stages of evolution the star goes through based on mass- it will turn into a black dwarf.
The stages Tau ceti went through is, its nebula stage and its protostar stage.

~More Information~
Its constellation is in the Cetus.
Tau ceti is one of the few stars that is visible to the eye.
Tau ceti is the 29th star closest to the earth.

Photo by anieto2k