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Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire

Published on Nov 01, 2020

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Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire

Esquith, R. (2007). Teach like your hair's on fire: The methods and madness inside room 56. New York: Penguin Books. 

The First half of the book

  • classroom environment is one of the main focuses
  • Another thing discussed was what students are actually capable of.

The first half of the book

  • Creating a love to read at a young age is viable
  • Creative projects can make writing more disable to young students.

The first half of the book

  • We talked about different methods to teach mathematics and incorporate other subjects.
  • Test taking strategies is something we should be teaching students immediately.

The first half of the book

  • The book introduced ways to benefit and teach the following subjects: Social studies, science, and art.
  • For social studies you can play the borders games instead of always using maps.
  • For science it's important to let students do experiments and make some mistakes.
  • For art it's important so children learn about practice and discipline.

Chapter 10

  • This chapter focuses on the importance of physical education and learning sports correctly.
  • The author (Rafe) goes over that some teachers don't teach sports because of a lack of confidence.
  • Another thing that stood out in this chapter is that he focused on teaching good sportsmanship, for example not allowing students to yell at teammates or saying hurtful things to the other team.

Chapter 11 and 12

  • I put these chapters together do to the fact that I find them related.
  • Chapter 11 talks about Rafes classroom economy system. Students have different jobs and different pay depending on the job. They also pay rent for their desk every month, this teaches how to be responcible and problem solving.
  • Chapter 12 is about problem solving, I think this chapters go hand in hand because you need to mange money to pay bills. If you don't have enough money what do you do?
  • The noteable thing in chapter 12 is that Rafe goes over the problem solving method, the steps to understand the problem and how to help solve it.

Chapter 13

  • Film is something frowned about in classrooms, however you could have a film library.
  • These would be films worth watching for your students to take home and watch on the weekend.
  • If you chose to implement this make sure to discuss the rating systems with parents. To be safe you could have rated G films.
  • The reasoning for this is showing good stories come to life instead of blood and guts.

Chapter 14

  • Field Trips probably don't seem unattainable, but this chapter covers how to afford and execute good trips.
  • The first thing that shocked me is that when it comes to big trips, you don't have to bring everyone. Bring the students putting in the effort.
  • The affordability part of the equation can be solved by fundraising, grants, and have the families pay what they can. Whether it be $1 or $100.
  • When going on trips try to go in the off season so it's less expensive and busy.
  • This chapter is chalked full of great travel information and there is way to much I want to add, so if you want to know more check out the book.

Chapter 15

  • Music is not a cheap subject, and can sometimes get the short end of the stick.
  • This chapter talks about how to get affordable instruments.
  • It also discusses taking advantage of the musically trained students you have. This means having those students help teach other students.
  • Another method is paying for music lessons for some students and having them teach others.

Chapter 16

  • Christmas is normally a holiday we're happy, but that's not the case for everyone.
  • Rafe takes his music ready class to a homeless shelter during winter break to play for the people there.
  • The older kids who want to help serve food, and hand out hygiene products and clothes.
  • This can not only help your community but introduce the love of service to your students.

Chapter 17

  • Shakespeare is confusing for a lot of people, but Rafe puts on wonderful plays with elmentary students.
  • Kids audition for roles and aren't promised any roles until the show. This ensure the best performers are put on stage.
  • The way this works is by ensuring the students understand what they are saying. By explaining the meaning behind the words it makes it easier for students to remember.
  • Kids audition for roles and aren't promised any roles until the show. This ensure the best performers are put on stage.
  • Lastly they don't use sets or wear costumes so people are more inclined to listen to words.

Quote 1

  • Rafe Esquith (2007) "The bad news is that most elementary-school teachers do not run effective physical education programs. Perhaps you see the importance of sports but do not feel competent to teach them." (p. 124)

Application 1

  • I want to try my best to stress the importance of being outside and also being active. To do this I'm going to teach soccer, baseball, dancing, and gymnastics. This can not only teach but help students discover new things and find passions in life. I want to open doors that aren't always accessible to everyone such as sports.

Quote 2

  • Rafe Esquith (2007) "The activities are meticulously planned, the kids are extraordinarily well prepared, and the objectives are always clear. I want our trips to teach the students lessons they will use for the rest of their lives." (p. 173)

application 2

  • I want to take a group of students to New York every year to teach about art, drama, music, budgeting, and poverty. This trip will be with 5th grade students and have parent or teacher saporones. I feel New York has several important landmarks and has a great community for the art. It's also a place I don't think many people get to go to.