Teacher Action Research Project:

Published on May 03, 2017

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Teacher Action Research Project:

The relationship between technology and student behaviors.
Photo by Nerru

Action Research Question: How does one-to-one technology integration increase engagement and motivation, while decreasing behavior distractions in an 8th grade Language Arts classroom?

Photo by thebarrowboy

I will start the implementation of my study by selecting a co-taught language arts class to work with and measure. I will collect data for several weeks without the use of any technology by the students. I will record the amount of redirections and the percentages of students engaged and participating. Though the lessons will still be engaging, students will not have access to technology. Then, I will record the same data while students were immersed in technology daily. Students will be expected to do similar work, but with technology. It is my belief that the number of redirections will go down and the percentages of engagement will go up. This will be a valuable study to show to my school and district.

How does this apply to "A Framework For Leadership?"

Photo by VinothChandar

Moral Purpose

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Moral purpose means acting with the intention of making a positive difference in the lives of employees, customers, and society as a whole.

Photo by Ian Sane

Moral purpose applies to my Action Research Project because with technology integration, students and teachers alike will get the most out of their classroom experiences. Morally, teachers are obligated to meet students where they are in order to actually teach them well.

Photo by Ian Sane

Understanding Change

Photo by Nanagyei

Moral purpose without understanding change leads to complexities and breakdowns in the teaching process. Without understanding change, teachers will burn out.

We, as educators, must accept change while seeking help, appreciating difficulties, and embracing resistance and complexity. I must understand the change process in order to implement my action research project effectively.

Photo by Xalikot

Relationship Building

Great leaders build meaningful and supportive relationships with those around them.

By placing importance on relationships, an educator's interactions with students and colleagues will improve drastically. I will need to develop strong relationships with staff in order to create the most impact.

Photo by Seif Alaya

Knowledge Creation and Sharing

Photo by JonathanCohen

Leaders place importance on constantly developing new ideas and sharing things that work with their colleagues. It should be the goal of the leader to create success within each individual they lead by the sharing of knowledge and information, but often times, people are hesitant to share what they know in our society.

Photo by VinothChandar

The goal of my teacher action research project is to create a sharing of knowledge that transcends face to face conversation. Knowledge should be shared face to face, through technology and on paper. I would like to find a way to seamlessly weave the three.

Coherence Making

Photo by victor_nuno

Great leaders foster ambivalence until a certain point, at which time, they step in to make the task at hand clear, concise, and relatable to all present at the table. Coherence making is difficult to achieve in this modern society of constant change.

Photo by Krister462

Establishing coherence is essential in classrooms and schools alike. Teachers must learn to work together and create a space that works for students. Technology can aid in this coherence making process by making certain that each learner has the tools that they need to be successful.

Photo by IQRemix

In conclusion, the Framework for leadership will be an integral piece of my Teacher Action Research project involving technology integration. I look forward to integrating pieces of this framework into my project and teaching.

Photo by Jan Jespersen

Jaclyn Nielsen

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