(Child) Teach--er, do you love me? Teach--er, will you care for me? E--ven if I turn a--way, or dis--o--bey, or go a--stray, Then will you love me still?
(Child) Teach--er, will you teach me? Teach--er, will you help me choose the right? When I do not un--der--stand the Lord's com--mand, please take my hand And lead me safe--ly with his light.
(Teacher) Oh yes, my child, I love you. My child, I'll al--ways care for you. And with the Sav--ior as our guide, I'll share the light I feel in--side And you will feel his love for you.
(Teacher) Oh, yes, my child, I'll teach you. My child, I'll help you choose the right. And when you do not un--der--stand The Lord's com--mand I'll take your hand, And he will lead us with his light.