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Teacher Leadership Qualities

Published on Aug 04, 2017

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Teacher Leadership Qualities

Kelly Alphonso
Photo by Lyro2010


Encourage, empower, and model strong leadership skills for others
A teacher leader should be willing and have the ability to encourage and empower others to be strong leaders. While doing so, they should also model what some of those strong leadership qualities should be.
Photo by murdocke23


Ensure that every voice is heard and considered
As a teacher leader, it is important that every voice is heard, whether you are working collaboratively with colleagues or students. Every voice brings a fresh perspective and idea to the table, something that may not work well could be fixed with a new idea, thought, person. Also, how can we expect to teach our students to the best of our abilities, if we don't listen to what our students are telling us or at least trying to tell us?
Photo by edlabdesigner


A contagious passion for all learning: student & teacher
Passion is something that should be seen, acknowledged by others. If a teacher doesn't have passion, if their heart isn't into the project, how can we expect to see their best work. The same goes for students, teachers can consider differentiated instruction to allow for students to let their passion shine through, allow their passion to be contagious and spill onto others to get causing others to become involved and excited about something.
Photo by quinn.anya

Problem Solving Skills

Think outside of the box to develop a plan to solve problems
Every leader needs to be willing to think outside the box to solve a problem. Sometimes that plan may be going to others for help, sometimes it might be adjusting the plan, trial and error or sometimes it might be starting from scratch. Problems will occur, things will happen, but that doesn't mean that we stop, as leaders we persevere and we try to find another option, options may fail, but that doesn't mean we give up.
Photo by colemama


Dedicated to student achievement academically, socially, emotionally & physically
A teacher and especially a teacher leader should display commitment to their students. It is important to note that commitment to the student's academics, is not what a student a needs. A teacher leader is dedicated to the whole child, not just their academics, but also their social skills, emotions, and physical body. How can we expect a student to succeed when they have so much more on their plate, and they may not know just yet how to handle the situation. Not only should we be dedicated to the whole student but we should be aware of our colleagues and our own well-being too. We cannot expect our students to learn to respect themselves if we don't care of each other and ourselves as well.
Photo by COD Newsroom