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Teaching is like Gardening

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Teaching is like gardening

we plant the seeds and help them grow
Photo by wickenden

The garden = The classroom

  • This environment is strategically planned and organized by the teacher.
  • The arrangement can promote efficient learning and monitoring of behavior.
Photo by linda yvonne

Gardeners = Teachers

  • They understand the differences of the students in their classroom.
  • Their goal is to help students grow and succeed.
  • They differentiate instruction, monitor progress, and provide feedback for students.
Photo by garryknight

“Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden, and those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flowers.”~ Author Unknown

Photo by John-Morgan

Gardeners use different tools

Depending on the different plants/flowers to help them grow
Photo by horrigans

Teachers use different Materials

Depending on the students' needs to help them be successful

"The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11

Photo by chichacha

Plants/FLowers = The students

  • Each one is beautiful and unique in their own way.
  • They have different cultural backgrounds, interests, experiences, needs, and performance styles.
  • Based on their differences, each one requires different care in order to grow and be successful.
Photo by k6martini

Observing the growth & Understanding

  • Observations & student work help teachers discover crucial information about student undertstanding.
  • Assessments help determine if the lesson was effective & students understood the concepts presented.
  • This helps aid in the selection of future activities, materials, strategies, and techniques used.
Photo by -Snugg-

The end result is a beautiful and thriving garden, where each student has learned and succeeded in class.