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Tech in WWII

Published on May 02, 2016

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Tech in WWII

Alexis Lyons
Photo by Paul-W

Japanese Ki-61 Hien fighter
V-12 engine, small plane.
One of the few planes able to engage the Boeing B-29.
It was fast, and used for aerial battles.

Panzer IV Tank.
75mm dual purpose gun, remained in production for whole war once it was made.
It could defeat and keep up with Russian tanks

Culver PQ-8 - Target Drone.
Monoplane, smaller than other planes, used to find different targets for the War.

XB-28 Bomber
Top speed at 372 MPH, it was an aerial bomber during WWII

Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor
At 108 feet in wing span, this huge bomber was built to go 224 MPH and drop bombs on the Allied Nations.