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Technological Advancements of WW2

Published on Feb 07, 2016

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Technological Advancements of WW2

The V2 Rocket

V2 Rocket cont.

  • Before the war guided rockets or rockets in general were unheard of.
  • The V2 allowed Germany to attack it's targets from a longer distance than artillery could.
  • Also used the new technology of jet engines.
  • Paved the way to space travel, and cruise missels in the future.

The Messerschmitt 262

Me 262 cont.

  • First jet fighter in operation.
  • Was the fastest fighter at the time. Traveled at 541 m.p.h.
  • Was successful, but it was expensive too. Only 200 - 250 were made.



  • Sir Robert Watson - Watt invented the RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging) in 1935.
  • First intended to be a "Death Ray".
  • Important in WW2 mainly "see" enemy aircraft coming before they get there to assemble a force to fend off the attackers.
  • SONAR came later on to use in sea craft to detect submarines.

The Atomic Bomb

THe Atomic Bomb cont.

  • Constructed during the Manhattan Project at Los Almos, New Mexico
  • Manhattan Project wasn't in one place, but spread throughout the US.
  • First test "Trinity" was on July 16, 1945. It was a success. In a month the US would drop two atomic bombs on Japan, killing ~246, 000 people.
  • Later led to the invention of Nuclear Power.



  • Penicillin is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium Fungi.
  • Saved thousands of lives in WW2, and millions since.
  • Discovered in 1897 by Ernest Duchesne. Wasn't used in the medical field until 1930 when Cecil George Paine cured ophthalmia neonatorum.
  • Later a group of Australian scientists discovered more uses for Penicillin.