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Technological advances for me.

Published on Apr 21, 2016

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Technological advances for me.

I learnt a lot about technologies during this process. I developed skills through using these technologies a lot.

The first thing I learned about technologies in this process was how to use Photoshop to a more advanced level, I learnt to use all the different tools in order to make my magazine look as good as possible.

The first tool that I developed my understanding of on Photoshop was the polygonal lasso tool, I discovered that with this tool, if i zoom in closely to the edge that i am trying to cut, I am able to get a good, close and fairly smooth cut. I do not like using the regular lasso tool because I feel it is quite difficult to use accurately because it is a free hand tool.

The next tool that I learned to use was new to me and I didn't really get chance to use it in my college magazine project, it is the drop shadow effect on writing. I used this to make the writing on my front cover and contents page, that would be otherwise quite hard to read, stand out on the page. I used colours that blended with my colour scheme but also some that weren't part of my colour scheme e.g. I used a navy blue colour on my front cover and set the drop shadow colour as white, neither of these colours are part of my main colour scheme.

The final tool that I developed my understanding of using is the spot/blemish healing brush I used this a fair bit when blemishing my original images of my model Max, this came in useful because I used photos that were fairly close up to his face. I used a similar tool to this also when I needed to change the colour of my model's sunglasses, I needed to make them darker because in the reflection of the glasses the light that I used in the green room while taking the pictures could be seen.

The second bit of technology I used was the Sony 1200D camera. The preliminary task helped me develop my capabilities with the camera and the lighting in the green room ready for when I was shooting photos of my model for the main product.