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One technological trend that is impacting Higher Education and beyond into the business world as well is Bring Your Own Device demands and proliferation. There is no question that BYOD acceptance and encouragement have expanded in recent years exponentially.
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Technological Trends 2015

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Technological Trends 2015

Bring Your Own Device
One technological trend that is impacting Higher Education and beyond into the business world as well is Bring Your Own Device demands and proliferation. There is no question that BYOD acceptance and encouragement have expanded in recent years exponentially.
Photo by mikecogh

Where is BYOD Headed?

Business and Educational Settings
BYOD will continue to increase rapidly in Higher Education settings and institutions will need to embrace it and prepare accordingly.
Photo by hackNY

Factors Pushing the BYOD Increase

There are many factors that are influencing educational institutions to welcome BYOD policies and supporting infrastructure:

* Ability to learn anywhere, anytime

* Users are able to use devices that are familiar enabling tasks to be completed faster and more easily

Concerns with BYOD

Security and Compatibility
What are the concerns as BYOD proliferates?

* Environments that are independent of device type and display the same to all viewers regardless of device.

* Institutional Network Security

* Data Security

The following links to articles outline some of these concerns in practice:

go.nmc.org/inv and go.nmc.org/helman

Data Sources

NMC Horizon Report and Cantech Letter
I have taken most of the concepts and information from the 2015 Horizon Report and an issue of the cantech letter.

Link to 2015 NMC Horizon Report on Higher Education:


Link to cantech letter of January 19th, 2015:


These are two sources available that examine current technological trends.
Photo by sukisuki


Work Anywhere and Mobile Learning Access
There are several reasons to encourage BYOD:

* Costs - allowing BYOD saves funding for organizations.

* BYOD allows users to be more efficient using devices that are familiar.

* BYOD allows work and learning to occur from practically anywhwere


BYOD Will Continue to Expand
BYOD is good for education and business alike. The drive towards software that is compatible across platforms like Microsoft Office has been for some time, between PC's and Macs, or the use of software that is independent of platform like Google Docs makes BYOD easy to implement.

Anyone who uses multiple devices has seen the push in recent history to make the user experience seamless between devices and files compatible across platforms.

Where are we headed with BYOD? Rapid Expansion!