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Published on Feb 13, 2017

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Robert Blake, University of California, Davis

Photo by betta design


  • review article
  • computer-assisted language learning (CALL)
  • second language (L2)
  • 4 skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing
  • task-based language teaching (TBLT)


  • Gass(1997) defined L2 learning: interactions, communication breakdowns to prime the language acquisition pump
  • Instructors attend to more traditional measures, care more about the four skills have been adequately addressed, and are interested in the practical applications of any given technological tool or textbook


  • CALL programs and activities were praised for supporting reading (Chun 2006), cultural knowledge (Blake 2013), and writing (Oskoz & Elola 2014a) but NOT speaking and listening.
  • examine the advantages afforded by CALL with respect to the four skills and pay particular attention to speech production and listening comprehension

Language Tasks

  • González-Lloret (2015): represents Dewey's "learning by doing".
  • Willis (1996): a goal-oriented activity in which learners use language to achieve a real outcome
  • involves authentic meaning-oriented communication
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Long (2014): TBLT framework

  • conduct a needs analysis to identity target tasks that are important to their students
  • classify the target tasks into task-types
  • develop pedagogic tasks
  • sequence the tasks to form a syllabus
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Appropriate level of complexity

  • Robinson (2011)
  • the number of task elements
  • the task length
  • the allotted planning time
  • the extent of the learners’ prior knowledge about the topic
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Skehan (2003): Best tasks

  • carefully structured with both a pre-planning and a post-task phase
  • organized around familiar information
  • equire analysis or justification
  • interactive or dialogic in nature by virtue of asking the participants to work together
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Technology-mediated TBLT

  • González-Lloret (2015)
  • Doughty and Long (2003)
  • Affordances: special features and functions that a particular digital tool allows L2 learners to engage in
  • students must be trained how to use technology
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  • tutorial CALL
  • memory storage of L2 phonemic and morphological contrasts
  • lexical phrase retrieval
  • Teixeira (2015): electronic flash cards can help when learners subvocalize new words
  • lack of any feedback
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L2 SPEAKING - tutorial CALL

  • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
  • work best in clearly circumscribed linguistic sub-domains or micro-worlds
  • Ehsani & Knodt 1998: specific tasks, such as individual sound practice, word recognition, or short sentence repetition
  • commercially available programs: Dragon software (Nuance); TeLL Me More (Rosetta Stone)
Photo by banter

L2 SPEAKING - tutorial CALL

  • Dictation exercises: transcribe into the L2 what the learner said
  • Dragon software, Online Dictation, Evernote, TalkTyper, VoiceAssistant, Speechlogger, PaperPort
  • errors indicate the pronunciation has deviated from the statistical norms
  • Swain (2000), Swain and Lapkin (1998): a feedback loop enhancing L2 speaking
Photo by banter

L2 SPEAKING - tutorial CALL

  • PRAAT: doing phonetics by computer
  • a free computer software package for the scientific analysis of speech in phonetics
  • Chun (2002); O’Brien (2006); and Gorjian, Hayati, and Pourkhoni (2013)
  • pronunciation training on L2 intonation patterns
Photo by banter


  • VoiceThread: create collaborative online stories with sound, images, and text
  • add comments, answer questions
  • Asynchronous CMC (ACMC) with audio at a distance
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  • learning manage systems (LMSs) add a Flash plugin
  • post video recording
  • Guillén & Blake(in press): increase planning time and improve accuracy; increase linguistic complexity and promote fluency
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  • use digital video tools and upload recordings to YouTube
  • Blake and Sh’iri (2012): first-year Arabic class at UC Berkeley
  • great satisfaction to both students and instructors; feedback from entire class
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  • Synchronous CMC (SCMC) tools
  • Videoconferencing: exchange video, images, and text in real time
  • Adobe Connect, Big Blue Button, Blackboard Collaborate, Skype, Google Hangout, Zoom
  • telecollaboration projects; tandem learning experiments; social media exchanges; online language curriculum (O’Dowd, 2007; Guillén, 2014; Lin, Warschauer, & Blake, 2016; Blake, 2011)
Photo by banter

Speaking proficiency

  • Hulstijn (2011,2015): basic linguistic proficiency, extended or academic linguistic proficiency
  • L2 student could have a good sense of extended proficiency WITHOUT mastered basic linguistic proficiency
  • such as correct pronunciation or appropriate intonation or the pragmatics of sarcasm
Photo by banter


  • CMC training help to avoid intercultural miscommunications that might occur as a by-product of using the computer medium
  • well-designed tasks improve student outcomes by promoting successful and satisfying online exchanges
Photo by banter


  • native-speaker authored content (Hubbard, in press)
  • L1 speakers routinely author materials for members of the same speech community (Blake, 2013)
  • Instructor needs to frame these materials linguistically and culturally in ways that will be meaningful for L2 learners.


  • pre-listening activities; cultural background; follow-up activities
  • annotations for videos with questions, comments, and comprehension checks (Zaption, Thinglink, Adobe Captivate)
  • Gass(1997): reiterative processing stages of comprehended (not just comprehensible) input, intake, uptake, and output

L2 LISTENING - Caption

  • blurred division between listening and reading skills
  • Borrás and Lafayette (1994): better listening comprehension and speaking performance
  • Plass and Jones (2005): dual processing
  • Winke, Gass, and Sydorenko (2010): positive vocabulary and comprehension effect

L2 LISTENING - Caption

  • the use of captions, transcripts, input enhancement, electronic glossaries, links to dictionaries, or speed control (Cárdenas-Claros and Gruba, 2012; Chapelle, 2003)
  • mixed results depend on individual factors
  • package authentic materials & create effective listening activities for learners

L2 LISTENING - future

  • allow to stop captioned videos at will by simply clicking on the captioned words so as to link directly to dictionary glosses
  • only 21.3% of students used the L2 glosses for listening vs 73.9% for reading (Jin and Deifell, 2013)

L2 LISTENING - future

  • content curation: the collection of enriched media for the learner organized by topic, language level, and other features (Hubbard, in press)
  • Brigham Young University’s Arclite Project; Berkeley Language Center’s Library of Foreign Language Film Clips; ELEclips for Spanish, CLILstore by the European Union

L2 LISTENING - future

  • how to put together sound pedagogical tasks to accompany the videos
  • In a TBLT approach, the linguistic level of the videos can be higher than what the learner can produce, but the task can be fitted to correspond to their learner’s present abilities.
  • need to receive training for learner autonomy


  • exclusively or primarily text-based on the web (Godwin-Jones, 2015)
  • textual persistence: the text preserved on the computer screen permits L2 learners more time to process unfamiliar linguistic structures (Payne, 2004)
Photo by Valentina_A

L2 READING - glossing

  • Lingua.ly: online glossing program, provides definitions with audio for languages
  • L2 students preferred to access simple definitions in their L1 (Knight 1994, Karp 2002)
  • combined glosses: picture or video in addition to the translations (Chun 2006; Yanguas 2009)
Photo by Valentina_A

L2 READING - comprehension

  • vocabulary recognition ╪ reading comprehension
  • explicit multimedia CALL instruction benefits L2 lexical growth (Arispe 2012)
  • But fluent reading skills are impacted by complicated factors (L1 reading levels, L2 language proficiency, and background knowledge...)
  • pre-reading activities (Chun, 2006)
Photo by Valentina_A


  • lines between reading and writing are being further blurred by Web 2.0
  • wreading (Allen 2003)
  • digital social reading (Blyth 2014)
  • reading online can also entail collaborative digital writing
Photo by Valentina_A


  • electronic discussion forums, blogs, wikis, shared documents (Google docs)
  • writing tools available within LMS platforms
  • using social digital tools as part of a multimodal and staged approach to collaborative writing (Oskoz and Elola, 2014a; Kessler, Bikowski, and Boggs, 2012)
Photo by Klardrommar


  • social CALL and CMC writing are similar to oral speech (Payne & Whitney, 2002)
  • L2 learners wrote more turns than those talking face-to-face (Kern, 1995)
  • engage in telecollaborations with native speakers at a distance, with the multicultural misunderstandings that might arise
Photo by Klardrommar

L2 WRITING - Academic

  • CMC tools foster collaborate work and feedback at stages of the writing process (Oskoz and Elola, 2014a)
  • revisions, re-writings, and re-editing produce improvements; reactions from other readers and audience stimulate more effort (Yoon, 2008; Oskoz & Elola, 2014b)
Photo by Klardrommar

L2 WRITING - Corpus

  • Vocabulary size takes considerable time to grow (Cobb, 2007)
  • Corpus tools and concordances can fine-tune word usage at any stage of L2 development (Gaskell & Cobb, 2004)
  • Linguee
  • must be trained to search for correct lexical phrasing & frequent collocations
Photo by Klardrommar

L2 WRITING - Storytelling

  • Oskoz and Elola (2014b): using digital tools (iMovie or FinalCut) to produce digital stories published on YouTube
  • learning by doing
  • a multimedia and literary (scripted) artifact
  • feedback from the class
Photo by Klardrommar

L2 WRITING - Fanfiction

  • online networks of fans of books, movies, or musical bands
  • resemble what students are actually doing in real life, give more meaning and personal investment (Sauro 2014)
  • fandom reading sparks writing and sharing, stimulating more reading, writing, and sharing in an ongoing cycle.
Photo by Klardrommar

L2 WRITING - Community

  • transnational CMC communities can facilitate L2 writing in English
  • multicultural identities; personal textual voice; social roles; sense of belonging
  • it’s a way of finding your THIRD PLACE (neither an L1 nor an L2 identity, but rather a bilingual identity) in a multicultural world (Kramsch, 2009)
Photo by Klardrommar


  • Competence is no longer just grammatical but also communicative, symbolic, and relational, ruled by pragmatic, sociolinguistic, and cultural considerations. (Hymes 1974; Kramsch 2009; Kern 2014)
  • 4 skills are not self-contained proficiency modules that can be adequately evaluated in isolation (Hulstijn 2011, 2015)


  • all of them connect to multicultural competence and the construction of a bilingual identity (Kramsch's Third Place)
  • teachers construct sound TBLT activities by a more integrated implementation of L2 learning with an impressive array of CALL tools standing at ready to help