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Temperance Movement

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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The temperance movement that started in the 19th century was a movement that picked up steam in the 1830s. I feel that this movement was one of the most important ones because it was trying to stop the domestic violence that was happening in the country.

Take a look at the picture in the background. You see a sign that was used in the temperance movement to let men know that if they drink liquor then the women will no longer be with them.

Photo by aaronparecki

Domestic violence happens everyday in the United States. One women is abused every 15 seconds by their spouse or intimate partner annually in the United States. For more information you Can visit the website http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/domviol/facts.htm

Together as a nation we should Come together and strive to stop the domestic violence in our Country.

On the night of January 5, 1833 John Cross came home drunk. Usually dinner is all finished and ready to eat but when he walked in the house it was on the stove cooking. He was upset so he decided to Beat on his wife.

Sign up today and help stop the domestic violence in our Country