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Published on Dec 05, 2015

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the worlds biomes

by; Kariann Hajek
Photo by Bradley Wells

Rain forest

  • Tropical rain forest are found near the equator,
  • Temperate rain forest are found along the coast in a temperate zone,
  • The climates of these forest are warm and cool,
  • Trees in tropical rain forest's have a 50-100 year life span,
  • Trees in temperate rain forest's have a 500-1000 year life span,
Photo by Jannik1990

tropical thorn forest

  • Dense dry vegetation,
  • These forrest get as little as 10-20 inches of rain a year,
  • These forrest are usually found in south west,Africa,Australia,
  • Thorn forest turn into savanna woodland as the rain fall increases,
  • Or if the climate becomes dryer thorn forrest will turn into dessert.


  • The chaparral biome is found on most continents,
  • This biome grows in small sections,
  • The chaparral biome has many types of terrain,
  • The climate in the summer is very hot and dry,
  • During winter the climate can be very cool,

cold desert

  • Cold desert's receive less then 10inches of rain/snow a year,
  • Cold desert's are located all over the world, Peru,China,Usa,ext,
  •  They are mostly located near the Arctic part of the world,
  • All of these desserts are covered in sand dunes and stones,
  • Animals burrow themselves into holes to survive the harsh winters, 

temperate grassland

  • These grasslands are common in Northamerica,Southafrica,Australia,
  • The climate depends on the latitude, But it is usually around 40 degreese,
  • These grassland produce, salvia, oats, grass, wheat, barley, coneflowers,
  • The rate of precipitation is about 500-900 mm of rain a year, 
  • 25% of the earth is covered in the grass land biome,


  • The savanna is a grassland scattered with shrubs and trees,
  • This biome can be compared to a tropical rain forrest and a dessert,
  • Not enough rain falls in the savanna to support desserts,
  • This biome is found in a wide band on either side of the equator,
  • There are two very different seasons in the savanna ,winter,summer

hot desert

  • Hot deserts don't have many plants due to lack of rain fall,
  • The animals that live on the desert only come out at night,
  • This is because they would not be able to live in the sun and heat,
  • Desert cover about one fifth of the earth's land surface,
  • Hot desert's get as little as 15cm of rain fall a year,

Polar ice caps

  • The Polar ice caps are melting,
  • polar ice caps do not have size, 
  • Polar ice caps form because high latitude regios receive less energy from, 
  • There are very little plants the grow in this biome,
  • Animals that live in this biome are mostly penguins ,polar bears, sea life,

boreal forest

  • The boreal forest is also called the Taiga,
  • The boreal forest dose not have a warm climate,
  • It has short hot summers and, cold long winters,
  • The pine cone tree is on of the most popular in this biome,
  • The forest also grows a variety of mosses,
Photo by Petroglyph


  • The tundra is one of the coldest biomes,
  • The tundra is also one of the world's youngest biomes,
  • It was formed 100,000 years ago,
  • The tundra is vast and tree less,
  • There are 48 species of mammals that live in the tundra,


  • Alpine biomes are found in the mountain regions all over the world,
  • The temperatures in the alpine can change from warm to freezing in a day,
  • Plants and animals have learned to adapt to the drastic climate changes,
  • The animals in this biome are being exposed to too much uv,
  • Alpine animals have larger lungs due to the pressure at higher alititude,

Temperate evergreen forest

  • Temperate evergreen forest are commonly found in costal regions,
  • More then 300 species of birds live in this biome, 
  • Many species of trees inhabit the forest, pine, ceder, fir, red wood,
  • This forrest contains two layers an understory and an overstory,
  • This biome is very sensitive to human activity such as hunting,

Temperate deciduous forest

  • This biome can be found in north america,asia,europe,russia,japan,
  • The climate in this biome is similar to fall temperatures go up to 50f,
  • The average rain fall is 30 to 60inches a year,
  • Most animals that live on these forest have to hibernate, 
  • A lot of deciduous forest have lost land to farms and towns,
Photo by Rennett Stowe